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Union Dale established this policy as a way to give back to the dedicated men and women who have graciously given their time order to serve this great land. This gesture is our way of saying thank you.




A Veteran of any branch of US Military who has been honorably discharged qualifies for this benefit. This benefit is available to the Veteran and their spouse.


  • Must present a DD214 or DD215.

  • A spouse must present a valid marriage certificate.


They must own or be properly assigned into a grave at Union Dale.


All standard opening and closing fees are waived for a cremation or full burial.


Rights and privileges of ownership are governed by the Cemeteries rules and regulations.


If you would to like to discuss this benefit further, please contact Union Dale at 412-321-0774.


In addition to our policy, veterans may be eligible for additional benefits through the Department of Veteran Affairs. Contact the Department of Veteran Affairs to see if you are eligible. 




We Thank you for Your service

union dale ceMEtery

2200 Brighton Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15212 - 2905


Office hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 - 4:30

Friday: 8:00 - 4:00

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: Closed


Office closed December 25th

Office Closed January 1st​

Gates are open every day from 8:00 - 5:00

***Please check the information signs at the entrances or our website for current grounds visitation times as gate times change seasonally. ***

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